Recyclable & Reusable Glass Containers
We choose heat-resistant containers manufactured for candles such as high-temperature resistant glass
jars with bamboo lids, long-lasting, sealed ceramic containers, and mercury glass votives. All our containers are nonporous, smooth, and thick enough to avoid cracking. The individual components of our candles—the type of wax, fragrance oil, fragrance load, candle dyes, wick choice, container diameter and shape—all factor into how our candles burn. Every formula we create is burn tested before selling to customers. A “burn test” is conducted on each of our candles. Burn testing is the process of evaluating finished candles for performance from the first to the last burn. The goal is to ensure that our candles burn at a normal rate, are not producing an abnormal amount of soot, and are safe for the end-user.

Decorative Embeds
Only non-combustible, non-flammable materials are used as decorative embeds in our candles. Items such as glass and ceramic figures, sea glass, marbles, rocks or shells, are used as embeds in our candles. Sand is often used in the bottom of our seascape and landscape candles and a “flame stopper” is added to the wick to extinguish the flame before touching the sand. (This is a small metal tube that fits over the wick and slides down to the point where we want the flame to stop, and then it is crimped with pliers).

Packaging & Shipping
We also ship our candles with recyclable/reusable shipping boxes. We are always striving to do more to reduce our environmental impact and will continue to look for more ways to do business in a sustainable way.